Devils in Our Food

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This reference book reveals the unpalatable side of foods you & your children consume every day.

Sugar          Salt             Trans Fats            Additives             Chemicals          Caffeine     Petroleum-based Food Treatments

Have you ever noticed how children get excited by the thought of eating lollies? The sugar isn’t even in their systems and they’re bubbling with joy. Their eyes widen, their expressions carry anticipation and they’ll suddenly become compliant with a parent’s wishes prior to consuming the prize. All that and the sweetness hasn’t even danced on their tongues.

Or has it?

Additionally, have you noticed when a cellophane/foil wrapper is crackled, children suddenly appear out of nowhere because they associate the sound with a salty delight? Just as with sugar, there’s anticipation on their faces and expectation in their eyes because they know the pleasing sensation of munching chips is about to be experienced.

Human physiology has muscle memory. The mention of sweets and the sound of crackling foil prompt a conditioned response of impending pleasure. We are subjected to this from the day we are born through the sweetness of breast milk and the packaged foods we consume in our first months of life.

Now look around at our western culture. Frankly… we’re fat and unhealthy. The pleasing over-stimulation of our taste buds has resulted in us demanding more stimulation.
It’s affordable. It’s plentiful. It’s available.

And it’s riddled with additives which enhance the sensation we crave more of.

These additives come with a cost. We are conditioning our offspring to accept them as normal and along with this comes alarming rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, dementia, high blood pressure and multiple behavioural issues.

We’re becoming Food Junkies

Devils in Our Food lays bare the links between the foods and food additives we eat and the dangerous effects we are exposing ourselves and our children to. It’s a handy reference tool so you can make informed decisions in the supermarket and keep your family safe.
Christine Thompson-Wells

More kind words about this book:

Richard Hart,Both myself and wife went through the book; it has answered many questions; it is a really, really good read. Our son has some health conditions, and this has helped us to understand more about the food we eat, this has led us to make food changes to our diet. Thank you.’ Richard Hart, Community Engagement Consultant, Job Find, Australia. Support and learning for the young, First Nation Community and different Multi-Culture Communities.

Caroline Pena
, ‘I love the traffic light system for identifying the food additives, it makes it so easy to find them and to read the necessary information. It is a great book and so easy to use; I also use it with our clients.’ Caroline Pena, Nutritionist, Health and Healthy Food Advisor.

Dr Fiona Khoo, ‘This is an interesting book, it is helpful, has good information and handy to have as a reference book.’ Dr Fiona Khoo, GP, mother, and grandmother, NSW, Australia.

Alexandra Springett, ‘In this age of increasing morbidity due not only to obesity but also poor eating habits, it’s easy to see how first world manufactured ‘nutrition’ is way behind that of our foraging ancestors. It’s a very well-researched book, well done.’ Alexandra Springett, Trained medical health professional and currently, professional businesswoman.

Tina Allen
, ‘Contents good and helpful, useful information.’ Tian Allen, Author, Medical Writer, Author: Bill Gibson: Pioneering Bionic Ear Surgeon.

Jayne Brady, ‘Great information about gut health, content rich and valuable.’ Jayne Brady, Dental health, health consultant, trainer/educator.

Dr Natasha Pekar, ‘Useful and very-good information, absolutely valuable as a resource and easy to follow.’ Dr Natasha Pekar, GP, NSW, Australia.

Katrina Kirk, ‘Having family members’ who suffer from ADHD and food intolerance to additives200 and 600’s, this book has opened my world to understand the reasoning behind why they respond to such additives with knowing the makeup of each. Once I started reading the book it was very hard to put it down.

Leonie Bisiker, ‘It’s all here. An informative book which is an essential tool for families today to navigate the minefield of additives in the food we purchase and subsequently eat. We benefit from the intensive research Christine has undertaken and the anecdotes she has included throughout the book. The results have been delivered to the reader in a user-friendly way in the form of traffic light signals, making it quick and easy to determine if the product is suitable for our needs. This is a must-read book for your own health as well as the health of your children, their quality of life depends on it.’ Leonie Bisiker, mother, and grandmother’

Format:      Paperback          Size:          A5 14.8cm x 21cm

Pages:        441         Word Count:      75,998

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Printed Book, eBook download, Audiobook download

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